Revival Express train in Tianjin

Welcome to a train travel community of like-minded people who choose to use trains to get from A to B.

TravelClub 350
The rail community for High Speed railway passengers

TravelClub 350 exists mainly as an online-oriented and -enabled rail user community for passengers who rely on, or are interested in, High Speed railway. The club’s prime focus is on both China, home of the largest High Speed network, and Switzerland, at the heart of Europe’s international rail network.

TravelClub 350
Helping visitors and expats alike around the Chinese HSR network

The prime goal of TravelClub 350 is to help passengers, both those visiting China for the first time, as well as permanent residents and contract-based expats alike, make the best use of the HSR network of China, in a language they’re best familiar with: English.

TravelClub 350
Always with an eye on the Swiss HSR connections

The community is also very much interested in linking Switzerland better with the rest of Europe, in particular the High Speed lines. Whilst due to its rather small geographical dimension, a China-, Japan- or Spain-like HSR network for Switzerland isn’t immediately realisable, the focus is more on linking the country better with the rest of the European HSR network, which makes far more sense than flying short-haul.

TravelClub 350
Admitting passengers soon

Internet-based membership will open soon. Meanwhile, we invite you to follow us on Twitter: @TravelClub350.